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No one expects to be diagnosed with a serious illness.  Life as we know it can take a turn at anytime. Hearing the words, “You have cancer” are unexpected and shocking, especially when you feel healthy and fit. Those words don’t have to be devastating. God is the giver of life, hope, and healing. God is greater than cancer.


As an attorney, I am charged with advocating for my clients’ best interests. As a cancer patient, I found that it was imperative that I became knowledgeable about the diagnosis and advocate for my own health and wellbeing.


Throughout my journey of being diagnosed with a rare stage four cancer, to the point of being healed, I exercised my faith and truly relied on God. Listening to God's voice and following his guidance sustained my hope, allowed me to continue living an abundant life, and resulted in my healing!


This book will encourage all who read it and show with God, All things are possible. You can go through cancer or any other trial victoriously when you keep your focus on God, listen to his guidance, and take action.

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